Sorry for not posting alot of weeks and months! Alright guys, my blog is still alive! So do tags and link. :D
Woah, i have spended so many hours on editing friendster profile and my blogggg!
Changed so many many things. Hope that it is nice. =x
I really felt so sorry that i've given you a broken promise.
But i really have no ideal of why am i changed, so badly. :S
I owe you an apologise. I doesn't even dare to ask you for any forgiveness.
But just hope that you won't be angring with me for a long time.
Oh gosh, this few days i kept thinking of why why why?
Why am i being like this? It totally sucks to others.
If i were in their shoes how would i feel?
I'll felt so angry that you give me a broken promise! So do you?
Alright, i should wake up in few weeks time.
Give me sometime. :(
WEILIN will be awake and back in few weeks time. :D
Sorry guys.
Do forgive me...